January 08, 2011
Of course I'm not senile, so I think I am. Today's world is full of info. If you read an article or a book or whatever you're interested in, you remind it better if you 're-tell it' in your own 'words'. You noticed the punctiation marks around words? That is exactly what mind mapping software is ought to do: storing your own memory. No more no less. Good mind mapping software is able to do that. Well, for most of your senses (written word, speak and vision). Smell I haven't met yet. Interesting appliances though! You can find all kind of purposes described at the vendor sites.
January 06, 2011
I''m interested in mind mapping. Part of growing senile, I guess. Seriously now, I''m talking mind mapping software. It has to be software that is easy to use, fast and easily editable. You use it in for instance your learning process but also in preparation of all kind of things. It can follow your minds classification of thoughts. Think of brainstorming any subject. It is a one mans data managment system. Well, it is supposed to be that. If you are interested to know more, here are some links to these kind of software.

general info: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mind_map
A freeware solution: http://freemind.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/Main_Page
commercial: http://www.thinkbuzan.com/uk/home
my favorite one: http://www.thebrain.com/ This one has a very good graphic interface and you can store whatever in your maps.
This is a book that tells you how to create maps with optimal results
I''m a cool crazy dutch guy starting to blog. What about? Well,  I amagined about thoughts occupying me. A good start, aint it? But then there is that dilemma "can I write down what I think or am I exposing to much".What the heck I thought I''m just doing it like the greek philosopher drinking his poison. The futur is always interesting.
Stay tuned!

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